Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 3:00 PM
Check-Out: 12:00 PM
Please read our cancellation policy carefully, as it is not common for us to make an exception for it. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, we would appreciate your paying attention to the following:
For reasons of the COVID-19 pandemic, if the guest cancels with less than 8 days, the beds will be opened for sale, and in case the beds are sold, the guest can use their advance payment for a future reservation within the next 12 months. You must attach a positive test.
4 Cooma Cairn Road Mountain Pine Ridge, Belize
Front Desk:
What's App: +011-501-666-3363
What's App: +011-501-612-7653
Check-in: after 3pm Check-out: before 12pm
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